Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cool Color Combo

Cool color combinations look stylish on everyone, no matter the season, neutral colors worn together create looks that are timeless and flattering, while providing plenty of flexibility in your wardrobe. Traditional fashion rules are going by the wayside and we’re adding another breakable fashion rule to the list-combing colors that you’d previously kept at opposite ends of your closet.

Considering the amount of colors and great variation in its shades, I officially welcome you to the world of colors where am sure you’ll find the perfect and coolest of the color combination for various occasions. Color psychologists maintain that certain colors affect our moods and this mood in turn affects our ability to be productive

Regardless of the size of your wardrobe, any adjustment that can contribute to a higher level of you  being a classy primp is worth considering .perhaps its time to improve a color scheme that has become outdated and boring .Adding the right colors can bring new life into you, increase your creativity, communication, collaboration and energy flow. Next on we will be treating Application of colors so we can widen our sense of choice as regard colors in our coming post. Let us know what you feel by commenting


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